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Learn 3D: Fundamentals of CLO3D

Publicยท8 members

Laura Fish
You are a fashion designer! Not right? let us know.

Fashion Designer

A teacher never stops learning...

Fashion Educator

Belated Welcome!

Hi all and welcome to the group ๐Ÿ˜€

Apologies for the delay in the first post! It has been great to meet most of you today and learn all about your journeys within the industry and what you want from the course. @g_harding09 I look forward to our official intro next week!

You are all such a diverse group so it's a really exciting one to be a part of, I look forward to you all challenging me to find new and innovative ways to support you on your journey in CLO!

Just a takeaway from today... if your computer is running quite slow, please do not panic... it is hard work for your computer to run zoom and CLO at the same time on a standard spec, so if you struggle to follow along, that's not an issue, you can always watch the videos back which youโ€ฆ

Erica Horne
You are a fashion designer! Not right? let us know.

Fashion Designer

Expert Tutor

Hello! Welcome to the group ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

You are here because you have enrolled on the Learn 3d: CLO3D fundamentals course

Please use this as a safe space to ask questions, share your progress and get feedback. Your expert tutor will be here to support and give feedback throughout your learning journey!

Feel free to say hi to your fellow learners and introduce yourself too. Our community is full of likeminded and supportive creative just like you ๐Ÿงก


    Hello! Welcome to the group ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป You are here because you...


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